Green Ciggies

21 05 2009

Cigarettes are going green…

As seen in Toronto Life Magazine, du Maurier is advertising their cigarettes as reducing “impact on the environment”.

I saw this ad and I was shocked and appalled. Apparently it’s okay to smoke, as long as the packaging is ”green.” Anyone else see the absurd irony in this?

Cigarettes will cause cancer and imminent death, but hey – the environment is A-okay! It deeply disturbs me that cigarette companies have taken this approach when trying to get individuals to smoke their cancer sticks. Now, the so-called ‘benefits’ are being put on these ads, to reach the earth friendly individuals out there. For each extra sale as a result of this marketing campaign, though the environment may not be suffering, what about the impact on the health care system or the health of the individual smoker or those around them?

What happens when naive individuals transfer the green packaging on to the cigarette itself – thinking if it’s not harming the environment, how could it possibly be harming lungs?

I thought the next step in terms of cigarettes was to make the drugs, which are 100% harmful, illegal. Instead, cigarettes are now GREEN!

This world is a scary place, and it just got a little bit scarier.